NMSTU — Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
We have been teaching students since 1934


Electric Grid Management (EGM) is an educational programme designed to give students the currently relevant skills of research in management of electric power facilities. Through a combination of pre-recorded learning sessions and study on campus, you will learn how to control operation modes, deal with personnel management, improve efficiency of electric power systems and grids, and much more.

The teaching staff has considerable experience in carrying out projects and publishing results in peer-reviewed scientific journals.


Why EGM?

  1. We give our students an opportunity to practice at MMK. Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works or MMK — a unique base for research in the field of electric power industry.
  2. Our graduates are welcomed by utility companies, design industry and industrial enterprises.
  3. EGM is focused on satisfying the international labor market such as China, India, South Africa etc. 
  4. Opportunity to work on your own scientific project and its implementation.
  5. Manager for student’s group and personal supervisor from the first semester.
  6. Excursions to such enterprises as MMK, a new generation substation in Gorseti, FGC «Rosseti» (Federal Grid Company)

Duration of study 

2 academic years, 4 semesters ( 3 semesters — online, 1 semester — offline)

Basic courses

  • Marketing for scientists
  • Energy economics
  • Techno-economic calculations in electric power engineering
  • Digital technologies in the electric power industry
  • Resource saving basics

Practical training

  • Practice of primary research skills
  • Research and production practice
  • Project practice
  • Design practice

Training base

  • PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works 

One of the world’s largest steel producers and holds leading positions among Russian steel companies.


OJSC is well-known in Russia and abroad as a highly technological hardware and sizing  plant and as a safe partner which has been producing and selling hardware for more than 70 years.

  • Network Company 
  • Design Institutes

Programme goal

As a result of training graduates of the program will acquire knowledge and skills of qualified specialists in the field of management in electric power engineering. The main aim of the program is to award students a Master degree, which is well recognized around the world.


  • evaluate the economic efficiency of technological processes, innovative technological risks when introducing new equipment and technologies
  • operate, test and repair the technological equipment of electric power and electrical industries
  • determine effective production and technological conditions of electric power operation and electrical engineering facilities
  • apply methods and tools of automated process control systems of the electric power and electrical industries

Teaching Core Staff

Aleksandra V. Varganova
Aleksandra V. Varganova
Program Manager Associate Professor, PhD (Engineering). Areas of knowledge: optimal control of power plants, reliability assessment of power supply systems, developing CAD for electric power facilities.
Gennady P. Kornilov
Gennady P. Kornilov
Dr. Tech. sciences, professor, chairman of the dissertation council. Areas of knowledge: energy saving measures at industrial enterprises, issues of power quality and electromagnetic compatibility.
Evgenia A. Panova
Evgenia A. Panova
Associate Professor, PhD (Engineering). Areas of knowledge: evaluating asymmetric conditions of power supply systems, modeling relay protection and developing CAD for electric power facilities.
Olga V. Gazizova
Olga V. Gazizova
Associate Professor, PhD (Engineering). Areas of knowledge: stability of generators of industrial power plants.
Andrei N. Shemetov
Andrei N. Shemetov
Associate Professor, PhD (Engineering). Areas of knowledge: power analysis and management.
Ildar R. Abdulveleev
Ildar R. Abdulveleev
Associate Professor, PhD (Engineering). Areas of knowledge: modeling of electric power facilities in the conditions of industrial enterprises, issues of power quality and electromagnetic compatibility.
Artem T. Nasibullin
Artem T. Nasibullin
Acting electrician of the Energy Shop of the Office of the Chief Power Engineer of PJSC MMK. Associate Professor Areas of knowledge: modeling of relay protection, modeling of power supply systems, computer and network technologies in the power industry
Vera A. Zhilina
Vera A. Zhilina
Head Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Areas of knowledge: philosophy, social philosophy, political philosophy, problems of mentality and culture, dynamic interaction.

To enroll in this program, candidates should have a Bachelor of Science or Engineering and be fluent in English.

Required documents:

  • Motivation letter
  • Copy of identity and citizenship document + notarized translation;
  • Copy of document on education indicating the qualification (degree) obtained, subjects studied and grades received in them + notarized translation;
  • Recognition of an education document — if necessary (check with the manager)

The tuition fee is 400,000 (four hundred thousand) rubles per year.

  • Student must pay the entire amount for the first semester
  • Starting from the second semester, the tuition fee shall be paid in installments per month or semester.

Contact Details and Useful Links


5 facts about Magnitogorsk

  • The city with developed infrastructure, including a modern park with an area of 400 ha, and 3 world-class ski centers within a radius of 100 km.
  • In 2023, Magnitogorsk was included into the TOP 15 major cities of Russia with a high urban environment quality index.
  • Magnitogorsk, home to over 400,000 people, is also known as a multicultural city.
  • It is one of the five safest cities in Russia.
  • PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works is one of the largest steel producers in Russia.
academic years (3 semester - online, 1 semester - campus)
State Accreditation
Independent Quality Assessment
English Programme

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    NMSTU Graduates